
Coq to Emacs Lisp / Common Lisp Extraction

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Convert Coq to Scheme Extraction to Common Lisp / Emacs Lisp, and auxiliary macros for them.


R7RS Scheme implementation.

You may run unschme-impl.scm on R5RS Scheme implementation with some additional procedures:

  • error
  • command-line
  • exit
  • current-error-port

How to use.

Extract Scheme code.

% coqc example.v

Convert extracted code to Common Lisp / Emacs Lisp. For example, with chibi-scheme,

% chibi-scheme unscheme.scm example.scm example.lisp


% chibi-scheme unscheme.scm example.scm example.el

Output format is automatically determined by the file extension.

And run.

% sbcl --load macros_extr.lisp --load example.lisp --script test.lisp