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I found myself refreshing http://dreamcast.online/now/ webpage quite alot and told myself that I should just make a little app that fetchs the data and alerts me if a new player comes online. It's not 100% done and I haven't made the windows/macosx/linux package yet, but they should be ready soon.
Also, I'm using Kazade's data to do this, as he provided the .json file openly, if there's a problem Kazade, please let me know.
- Get data from Kazade's DC-now and displays it.
- (android) Swipe down to refresh.
- WORKING ON(android) Notification at some point.
- WORKING ON(android) Widget ??
This was tested only on the original Google Pixel, people let me know if this works (or not) on your device. This is just a straight up APK. Just drop it on your device and execute it from your file manager to install.
You might need to install Java 8 in order to run this.
Check in the releases folder.
GPL. Do whatever.