NOTE - below not applicable - uses local storage, not integrated to AzDo yet

Apart from forking this repo, you need the following in Azure RM or Azure DevOps


Library Variables

group variable default description
terraform_base terraform_version 1.5.7 match your local tf version to the pipeline
terraform_base terraform_path /usr/local/bin path to a custom install if required
devops_base project
devops_non_prod sa terraform the storage account holding the containers with terraform state files
devops_non_prod subscription_id
devops_dev container terraform the container in the sa
devops_dev environment the name of the environment in azure devops we are deploying to
devops_dev service_connection he name of the service connection in AZDO holding the creds for a service principal in the testing subscription, and the subscriptionwe are deploying resources to, in Azure RM

Service Connection

This needs Storage Account Blob Contributor on the tfminit SA in the testing subscription, and Contributor on the subscription we will be deploying resources to.


Grant open permissions to the variable groups you use for the Library Variables section

Azure RM

Service Principal

  • create and grant roles as described above


  • if not deploying to testing, create a subscription and grant the Contributor role on the subscription, to the SP created above