
Solution to synchronize small tables between Excel and a database

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Solution to synchronize small tables between Excel and a database


Install frontend

Install yarn
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn
Install frontend dependencies using yarn, and link them
yarn install
rm -rf app/static/.auto
mkdir -p app/static/.auto
ln -s $(pwd)/app/static/resources/@coreui/coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template/src/css app/static/.auto/css
ln -s $(pwd)/app/static/resources/@coreui/coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template/src/img app/static/.auto/img
ln -s $(pwd)/app/static/resources/@coreui/coreui-free-bootstrap-admin-template/src/js app/static/.auto/js

Install dependencies

# In case it's not yet installed, install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv

# Create virtualenv locally
virtualenv -p python3.6 venv

# activate virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt


Configure Flask App in the virtualenv:

# Add flask app info to venv, and re-activate environment
echo "export FLASK_APP=app/app.py" >> venv/bin/activate
source venv/bin/activate

Create config_local.py file in this directory, by making a copy of config_local.py.example and setting up the parameters.

Create auth/auth.json with the contents:

    "<username>": {
        "password_hash": "pbkdf2:sha256:50000$GS62LgsS$fd786e13bb85bd4b9c1c71609e103b2a66eebbb751f9b92f7cbc1d195b65f71d",
        "password_salt": "asd",
        "path": "optional/relative-path-for-user-uploaded-files"

for each user create a new record. The file is read during each authentication, so any update won't require an app restart.

Meaning of each parameter:

  • <username> is the username used for login
  • password_salt is a random string. It's not a secret, can almost be public. Preferrably longer than 3 letters.
  • password_hash is a generated password hash. To generate it for a user, run flask generate_pw_hash with virtualenv activated. For this to work, the previous step in "Install dependencies"

Run for development:

# make sure venv is activated
source venv/bin/activate
# Otherwise just run this
flask run --with-threads --reload --eager-loading --host ::0 --port 5000 2>&1

Run for production

with gunicorn

gunicorn -w 4 -b 0:5000 --forwarded-allow-ips "*" app:app

Run some more

If it's on Linux that uses systemd for init, create this excel.service file:

Description=Excel database upload endpoint

PermissionsStartOnly = true
PIDFile = /run/excel/excel.pid
ExecStartPre = /bin/mkdir /run/excel
ExecStartPre = /bin/chown -R excel:excel /run/excel
# This line enables it to listen only on the loopback interface, which is what is necessary
# if you have a reverse proxy (nginx) on the same machine to handle HTTPS for example
ExecStart=venv/bin/gunicorn -w 4 -b app:app --pid /run/excel/excel.pid
# This line is for the case when it has to listen to all network interfaces
# ExecStart=venv/bin/gunicorn -w 4 -b 0:5000 app:app --pid /run/excel/excel.pid
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStopPost=/bin/rm -rf /run/excel 


Description=Excel database upload endpoint

...if it's on Ubuntu or Debian, this file should be located at /lib/systemd/system/excel.service.

Then, make sure you create excel user and group.

sudo useradd excel

Once that is done, refresh service list, make sure it's enabled, and started.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable excel
sudo systemctl restart excel

To check whether the service is running, or whether there are any errors:

systemctl status excel

The service will start automatically