A hierarchical clustering and visualisation library for clojure based on core.matrix.
All clustering results are stored in vectors with the form [left right distance]
A leaf is simply [id-self id-self 0]
where id-self
is its index in the matrix.
Here is a simple example:
(require '[clj-hclust.core :as hc]
'[clojure.core.matrix :as m])
(def M (m/matrix
[[0.00 0.50 2.24 3.35 3.00]
[0.50 0.00 2.50 3.61 3.04]
[2.24 2.50 0.00 1.12 1.41]
[3.35 3.61 1.12 0.00 1.50]
[3.00 3.04 1.41 1.50 0.00]]))
(hc/hclust-lw M :single-link)
;;=> [[[0 0 0] [1 1 0] 0.5] [[[2 2 0] [3 3 0] 1.12] [4 4 0] 1.41] 2.24]
Under the hood core.matrix is used with :vectorz
as default implementations.
You can use another implementation by adding corresponding dependency to your project file and selecting implementation using set-current-implementation
Note that the selected implementation must support emap!
from the core.matrix API.
The Lance–Williams algorithms are an infinite family of agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms which are represented by a recursive formula for updating cluster distances at each step (each time a pair of clusters is merged).
The multimethod lw-updater
allows for custom implementations of such algorithms.
Available implementations are:
uses min when merging:complete-link
uses max when merging:ward
minimizes the total within-cluster variance when merging
A simple batik based JFrame
visualisation is available (note that it's possible to get just the SVG string):
(require '[clj-hclust.batik :as b])
(-> M
(hc/hclust-lw :single-link)
(b/svg-jframe 600 100))
SVG visualisation parameters can be customized:
(-> M
(hc/hclust-lw :single-link)
(hc/hclust->svg {:names ["Rochefort" "Milady" "Athos" "Portos" "Aramis"]
:circle-style {:r 10}
:text-style {:dx 16 :dy 6 :font "14px sans-serif"}})
(b/svg-jframe 700 150))
A newick format visualisation is also available:
(-> M
(hc/hclust-lw :single-link)
;;=> "(((0:0,1:0):0.5,((2:0,3:0):1.12,4:0):1.41):2.24);"
Copyright © Romain Leroux
This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.