
this is a nestjs-auth-jwt-boilerplate that uses browser cookie

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nestjs serverless jwt boilerplate

This is a backend server boilerplate of the fullstack series nextjs-admin-jwt-boilerplate, nextjs-client-jwt-boilerplate

It uses jwt token to authenticate users. The refresh token will be stored in the clients' browser.

This project can be used with serverless (Using serverless is not mandatory!). However, when deployed with serverless, some functions that worked with no problem in the local environment might have problems in the severless environment. So keep in mind to check whether your functions work even in the serverless environment when you deploy.

For instance, serverless does not support relative imports. All imports from another file should be done in a absolute way. So you cannot use src/file.ts to import a function. You should instead find its path relative to the current file and write something like ../../file.ts


This is the backend framework for my fullstack boilerplate. If you are interested in getting to know the client framework and admin framework, check out the below repositories also!


$ yarn


$ npm install

Prior knowledge Required

1. Prisma

  • This project uses Prisma for ORM, so some knowledge on prisma is required. Prisma is well documented on Prisma. Take a look on the prisma document before you start this project.

2. AWS VPC configuration

  • If you want to deploy your serverless on a real server, you need to have a VPC configured in AWS. then you need to add information on serverless environment variables (DATABASE_URL, SECURITY_GROUP_ID, PRIVATE_SUBNET, ..)

3. Google SMTP mail service

  • This boilerplate project assumes that you are using gmail to send users email. If you want to send email through gmail, it is recommeded that you get a gmail service auth password through google. How to setup gmail service auth password

How to code in local environment

1. Copy the elements in .env.example and create a .env file in the root directory


2. Install MYSQL workbench

3. Create a local database with name nestjs-test

  • After installing mysql workbench, you should create a schema named nestjs-test. If you want to name your schema with a different name, you are free to do so. However, remember that you should also change the local env DATABASE_URL too!

4. Set localhost database username and password

  • If you see env.example you can see that DATABASE_URL is mysql://root:root1234@localhost:3306/nestjs-test?schema=public the root:root1234 is username:password, thus username is root and password is root1234. In mysql workbench, set your username to root and your password to root1234. Or, if you want to customize it write your own username and password, but do not forget to modify the DATABASE_URL accordingly.

5. Run prisma migrate to apply the prisma.schema to the localhost DB

  • Run prisma migrate dev. This will create tables in the localhost DB.

6. Run yarn start:dev and see if your database connects with no problem

Serverless deployment (Optional!)

1. Go to AWS and configure your VPC and create a MYSQL RDS

  • You must have subnets, security group id, and RDS for serverless to use your aws account.

  • The RDS database url should be remembered

2. Go to Serverless and create an account.

3. Fill the env variables that are shown as ${param: NAME} in serverless.yml

4. In the terminal, run sls deploy --stage "stage_name"