
A reagent for Selenium

Primary LanguageC#

Selenium Chloride

A reagent for Selenium

A wrapper for Selenium Webdriver to make it friendlier to non-developers as well as making it easier to implement the page object pattern.

How it works

Selenium Chloride works by wrapping existing methods as well as abstracting away information that is not necessary to the developer/tester.

Lets start with a short cut example. Here is clicking on a link with Selenium.

IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.Id("login"));

With Selenium the developer needs to know what kind of 'By' method to use and the actual locator type. With Selenium Chloride we can assume we have a variable and do the following;


The reason we can do this is because a key feature of Selenium Chloride is the way it implements the page object pattern, allowing management of and changes to the objects to be done outside of code.

The advantages to this are;

  • To maintain the objects no programming experience is necessary.
  • Changes to the objects do not have to mean changes to the code base.
  • Developer is abstracted from how the page elements are retrieved.

Example poml to page object

<Pages group="Website pages">
    <Page name="Login">
        <!-- Uses an Id of username to find a text field -->
        <Element name="Username" locator="username" selector="text"  type="id" />

        <!-- Can use html5 data attributes to locate elements -->
        <Element name="Password" locator="password" selector="text" type="data-testId" />

        <Element name="Login" locator="input" selector="link" type="tag" />

        <!-- Can use link reference to locate elements -->
        <Element name="RandomLink" locator="http://www.google.co.uk" selector="button" type="href" />
public class LoginPage : IPage
    private IBrowser _browser { get; set; }

     * Uses the element name in the .poml file to link to the class
    public TextElement Username { get; set; }
    public TextElement Password { get; set; }
    public ButtonElement Login { get; set; }
    public LinkElement Search { get; set; }

    public LoginPage(IBrowser browser) 
        _browser = browser;

        Username = _browser.CreateText("Username");
        // or
        Password = new TextElement(_browser, "Password");

        Login = _browser.CreateButton("Login");
        Search = _browser.CreateLink("RandomLink");

    public void LoginToSystem(string username, string password)
        _browser.InsertText(Username , username);
        _browser.InsertText(Password, password);
public class Test
    public void Login_Valid_Test()
        // Browser uses config file in order to choose correct driver, this means tests can be configured on a CI basis.
        IBrowser browser = new Browser();
        LoginPage login = new LoginPage(browser);

        login.LoginToSystem("name@example.com", "password");
        Assert.AreEqual("Home", browser.Title);

General Config example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <!--  Browser type -->
        <add key="Browser" value="Firefox" />

        <!--  Grid path if using selenium grid -->
        <!-- <add key="GridPath" value="" /> -->

        <!--  Starting web address -->
        <add key="SiteUrl" value="www.example.com" />

        <!--  Directory where .poml are stored -->
        <add key="PomlDir" value="../../../ProjectName/PomlFolder" />

        <!--  Directory where print screens can be stored -->
        <add key="PrintScreenDir" value="../../../ProjectName/ScreenShots" />

Nuget install

Install-Package Selenium.Chloride

Page Object Pattern

For further reading on the page object pattern and its advantages read The Automated Tester.

Something missing?

If you feel that you are missing something from this framework, please create an issue or send a pull request, they are very much welcomed. While your feature is being implemented please note you can always reach the underlying Selenium functionality.

IWebDriver driver = browser.IWebDriver


IWebElement element = pageElement.IWebElement

Core language

  • C#
Future language development
  • Java
  • Python

File format

Page Object Markup Language (.poml)


Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004. Full license found inside docs directory.

######Logo design by Johannes Walter