
DA Mapping Framework

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

DAMapping Framework

The DAMapping framework is a component of the DAMapping bean mapping stack for Java.

DAMapping stack schema

The DAMapping framework helps the developer structure bean mapping code as classes dedicated to implement bean mapping and save her or him from writing all that interface+class good practice for testability and easy keeping separation of concern.

To do that, the DAMapping framework is implemented as an annotation processor that generates the interface and the class that you would have otherwise written and provides somes other glue such as integration with Dependency Injection frameworks.


For Maven-based build tools

To be used, the DAMapping annotation-processor has to be a default/compile dependency of your project.

    <!-- scope does not need to be explicitly specified, default scope works just fine -->

other tools

An extensive list of dependency declarations is available on this page.

Getting started ...

Check out the getting started with the DAMapping framework page.


Checkout the documentation of the DAMapping framework

Contact and support

Feel free to create an issue even to ask questions and/or contact me on Twitter.