
questions for BraTS 2020 official evaluation

Rubics-Xuan opened this issue · 1 comments

Sorry to bother, thanks for sharing your code. I met a problem when testing the model on BraTS2020 dataset. After uploading the submission files, the official server didn't give back the .csv file for final points. But the same code works well for testing on BraTS2019 dataset. Can you help me out here? Thanks for your time. I am really looking forward to your reply.

Here is the code for saving the final submission files, thanks for your time.

     if save_format == 'nii':
            oname = os.path.join(savepath, name + '.nii.gz')
            seg_img = np.zeros(shape=(H, W, T), dtype=np.uint8)
            # seg_img = np.zeros(shape=(H, W, T))

            seg_img[np.where(output == 1)] = 1
            seg_img[np.where(output == 2)] = 2
            seg_img[np.where(output == 3)] = 4
            nib.save(nib.Nifti1Image(seg_img, None), oname)
            print('Successfully save {}'.format(oname))