
Ansible role to install python web applications (django, flask...) and setup uwsgi/nginx to expose the app.

Primary LanguagePython

Python webapp

Build Status License: GPL v3 Ansible Galaxy: lesfurets.pythonwebapp

Ansible role to install python web applications (django, flask...) and setup uwsgi/nginx to expose the app.


Your app must be in a git repository and have a requirements.txt file (which include wsgi) and have a wsgi.py file and a .ini conf file.


Role lesfurets.nginx and lesfurets.python3 alongside their own dependencies.

Role Variables

Python webapp vars

  • webapp_name: is the name of the app to deploy. It is also used as the systemd service name.
  • webapp_dest_folder: is the installation folder on the target host.
  • webapp_repo_url: is the git repository where your webapp source is hosted.
  • webapp_scm_revision: is the tag/branch to use on the git clone. Default is HEAD, but it is highly advised to change it to a tag to avoid unwanted changes.
  • webapp_requirements: is the path of the pip requirements file on the target host.
  • webapp_ini_file: is the path of the uWSGI ini file on the target host.
  • webapp_settings_file_path: is the local path for a potential settings file.
  • webapp_user: Optional, is an existing user used to run uwsgi and own the project files.

Nginx related vars

Do not forget to setup the Nginx related vars depending on you uwsgi .ini file. Here is a basic example:

nginx_remove_default_vhost: true
  - listen: "80"
    server_name: "mywebapp.com"
	  - location: "/"
	    include: "uwsgi_params"
        uwsgi_pass: "unix://{{ webapp_dest_folder }}/demo.sock"

Example Playbook

- hosts: webapp
    webapp_repo_url: "https://github.com/lesfurets/demo-flask-uwsgi.git"
    webapp_scm_revision: "v2"
    webapp_ini_file: "{{ webapp_dest_folder }}/demo.ini"
    webapp_settings_file_path: "settings.py"
    webapp_user: "webapp"
    nginx_capable_user: "webapp"
    nginx_remove_default_vhost: true
      - listen: "80"
        server_name: "mywebapp.com"
          - location: "/"
            include: "uwsgi_params"
            uwsgi_pass: "unix://{{ webapp_dest_folder }}/demo.sock"
    - name: create webapp user
        name: webapp
        state: present
    - name: setup webapp
        name: lesfurets.pythonwebapp


Licensed unter the GPLv3 License. See LICENSE file for details.