Copies Home Assistant access token to a cookie, so you can use an existing authorization result for other subpages or services.
Useful for zigbee2mqtt, frigate or go2rtc panels in a dockerized setup.
Follow only one of these installation methods.
Installation and tracking with HACS:
In "Frontend" hit the plus button at the bottom right, search for "Auth Cookie", and install.
Refresh the Dashboard page. You might need to clear the cache.
Manual installation:
Copy swipe-navigation.js from the latest release into
Add the resource in
or in Dashboard Resources.
# increase this version number at end of URL after each update
- url: /local/hass-auth-cookie/auth-cookie.js?v=1.0.0
type: module
- Refresh the page, may need to clear cache.
After an installation, use hass_access_token
cookie to get the authorization result from Home Assistant API. For example, in a dockerized setup, you can use a ngx_http_auth_request_module
from nginx to perform a subrequest, that will secure another proxied service.
nginx config snippet:
location / {
proxy_pass; # Home Assistant instance
location = /_auth {
proxy_pass; # Home Assistant API, required
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header Authorization "Bearer $cookie_hass_access_token"; # use an access token from the cookie, required
location /_sites/zigbee2mqtt/ {
auth_request /_auth; # perform authorization subrequest, required
proxy_pass; # proxied service, eg. zigbee2mqtt frontend
Now create a Home Assistant dashboard with a Webpage card and put /_sites/zigbee2mqtt/
in the URL field. It will load your service in an IFRAME: