Simple file transfer application

This application allows to transfer files from one machine to another in multiple threads.

This is written in ~7 hours of pure (coffee breaks excluded) time.


  • Unencoded TCP is used to transfer data
  • Number of threads is variable (maximum is 255), and is defined by client
  • Server will send any file it can read


  • UNIX-like OS with POSIX threads support
  • Python 3 (developed under Python 3.8)
  • GNU make
  • C compiler able to link glibc





$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] address threads file ofile

File download client

positional arguments:
  address     server address, in host:port format
  threads     number of threads to use to receive file
  file        file to download
  ofile       output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  • file is the path to file to download on server. It is passed as a string
  • ofile is the output file destination on local machine

Client must have access to /tmp. It creates a directory and temporary files in it.


$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] port

File download server

positional arguments:
  port        server port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

When the server is stopped (e.g. by SIGINT), all its child processes are also stopped. Their sockets are properly closed.

Description of the implementation & notes

The implementation is straightforward, but is not quite polished. It works as described below; errors are handled, but there are probably cases which are not handled.

  1. server listens on its port for incoming HTTP connections.
    • This is implemented by means of Python's http.server
  2. client sends a POST HTTP request, whose path is file, and the content is JSON with number of threads
    • POST is used so that it is not cached, although GET is semantically better. I could set proper headers, but didn't do that in time. And now this requires implementation changes
  3. server checks the requested file exists and is readable, and calculates its MD5 hash.
  4. server starts a (asynchronous) subprocess sender, whose purpose is to send the file in multiple threads. The TCP port it will listen on is determined by server in advance
  5. server sends the hash and the port of sender to client
  6. client starts a (synchronous) subprocess receiver, whose purpose is to receive the file in multiple threads. The TCP port it should connect to is obtained from the server's response
  7. sender opens a listening TCP connection on the port provided to it as a command line parameter, and awaits for receivers. When a new receiver is connected, a thread is created
  8. receiver creates a set of threads, and each is provided with an independent socket. They all connect to sender; after a successful connection, they send a single byte, which contains thread ID (from 0 to threads - 1)
    • This is why no more than 255 threads are allowed. 255 seems a reasonable limitation. Of course, the protocol can be changed to use more threads; but since this would require to deal with endianness, the single-byte implementation is used
  9. sender's thread obtains the thread ID (these may come in "wrong" order, of course), and calculates the offset from which it should start to read file. The file is split into (logical) blocks by server in advance by a simple expression: block_size = size_of_file // threads + 1
    • A production solution would split the file into blocks whose size corresponds to the size of a block on file system, or in memory
  10. sender reads the file into a buffer, and then sends the buffer over HTTP
    • The buffer is of fixed size. In production, its size can be made variable
  11. receiver receives the data into a buffer. It then writes the buffer into a "part" file, which is located in a subdirectory of /tmp determined by client in advance
  12. When all data is transmitted, sender exits quitely. receiver does the same
  13. client calls cat to concatenate all "part" files into the ofile