
A simple/stupid dictionary and translator

Primary LanguagePHP



To initiate the dictionary, use the following code.

$dictionary = new \Infsim\Dictionary(); 

To add a new word to the dictionary use the following function:

$dictionary->addWord($word, $language, $translatedWord);

$word Is an english word (example: 'i').
$language Is the language of the third parameter (example: 'dutch').
$translatedWord Is the translated word of the first parameter($word) (example: 'ik').


To initiate the translator use the following code.

$translator = new \Infsim\Translator($dictionary, $language);

$dictionary Is the dictionary you created before.
$language Is the language the translator uses for translating a word or sentence (example: 'dutch').

Now it's time for the part you've all been waiting for.
To translate a word or sentence use the follow code. (DONT USE ....

to be continued