
➡️ Text-as-Data lab materials for Spring 2020

Primary LanguageHTML

Text as Data Lab Spring 2020

DS-GA 1015

TA: Leslie Huang (lesliehuang@nyu.edu)

Lab materials will be uploaded here prior to each lab session.

Before the first lab, please make sure you have R and (the free version of) RStudio (https://rstudio.com) on your machine.

Important announcements

There will be no lab on April 16.

Registered students and auditors should check the NYU Classes website for information about accessing the labs via Zoom for the remainder of term.

Please see NYU Classes for information about HW 3.

Lab info

  • Thursdays 2-2:50pm
  • 60FA Rm 110

TA office hours

  • Thursdays 1-2pm
  • 60FA Rm 740

Lecture info

  • Professor: Arthur Spirling
  • Tuesdays 11-12:40pm
  • 60FA Rm 110


The lab materials were created, updated, and revised by Arthur Spirling, Kevin Munger, Patrick Chester, Leslie Huang, and Pedro L. Rodríguez.