
Money Transfer Project

Primary LanguageJava


Money Transfer Project

Requirements & tools

  • Java 8
  • Maven 3+
  • Embedded database : H2 1.4.196
  • Embedded server : Jetty 9.2.3.v20140905
  • Unit and Integration Testing : JUnit 4.11


Package the executable application with:

mvn clean compile package

And execute:

mvn exec:java

The server is now listening at http://localhost:8080/.

You can now test the endpoints described below:


Endpoint Method Payload Call example Return
/accounts GET http://localhost:8080/accounts 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/accounts/{accountNo} GET http://localhost:8080/accounts/1234 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/accounts/{accountNo} DELETE http://localhost:8080/accounts/1234 204 NO CONTENT, 400 BAD REQUEST, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/accounts/{accountNo}/balance GET http://localhost:8080/accounts/1234/balance 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/transfers GET http://localhost:8080/transfers 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/transfers/query?to={accountNo} GET http://localhost:8080/transfers/query?to=1234 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/transfers/query?from={accountNo} GET http://localhost:8080/transfers/query?from=1234 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/transfers POST { "sourceAccountNo":89012345678, "destinationAccountNo":12345678901, "transferAmount":100, "transferCurrencyCode":"EUR" } http://localhost:8080/transfers 200 OK , 404 NOT FOUND, 400 BAD REQUEST , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/rates GET http://localhost:8080/rates 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/rates/effective GET http://localhost:8080/rates/effective 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/rates/{rate} PUT { "rate":1.23, "effectiveDt":"2018-05-30" } http://localhost:8080/rates/1234 200 OK, 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
/rates/query?sourceCurrency={sourceCurrency}&destinationCurrency={destinationCurrency} GET http://localhost:8080/rates/query?sourceCurrency=EUR&destinationCurrency=SGD 200 OK, 404 NOT FOUND , 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

Real Life missing checks and features

In order to keep it simple, this application gives a working money transfer API, as close to real life scenario as it can get. However, some features are missing :

  • Customer Management
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Real storage
  • Real-time currency rates
  • Transaction management
  • Some input validations (negative amounts, valid email address etc.)
  • Customer notification
  • PATCH, etc.
  • etc.