I'm a postdoc researcher working with Geoffroy Hautier at Dartmouth College.
Dartmouth CollegeUnited states
leslie-zheng's Followers
- Akou-stack
- AnoopANairIndian Insititute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram.
- atefe13marasi
- cepellotti
- cumsoftcumsoft
- dawoodea
- einschuan
- hjzfreeNanjing
- JaGeoFederal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- lizhiqiang100Shandong University
- naik-aakashBundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
- obaicaBeijing Institute of Technology
- QuantumChemisthttps://github.com/BAMresearch
- RamyaGuru--None--
- suan12
- TongTongMaster
- yangjin-feng
- zhengMDcode
- zhibingaoNUS