Future Endeavors

It is without a doubt that this pandemic affected all of our future plans that we looked forward to. Most of us have spent the last 7 months working and going to school from home. The present may feel repetitive and boring and it’s hard to be excited about the future when there is so much uncertainty during this time. We know it isn’t safe to return to our normal lives but as things are still uncertain, people want to start making exciting fun plans again!

So we wanted to create an app that allows you to share your plans and activities with your friends so everyone can start planning their future endeavors when all this mayhem is over.

Our app allows users to create a bucket list of exciting activities and events you have planned for the future. Users can add group to-do’s on their bucket list, as well as see the date and description of the activities.

User Story

As a User
I want a sign up page
So that I can create an account
As a User
I want to see a button to  login
So that I can login to my existing account
As a User
I want to see an ‘add activities page’
So that I can create an activity
As a User
I want to see suggested categories
So it's easy for me to know what I want to add 
As a User
I want an ‘add activity’ button
So that i can add it to my list
As a User
I want to see the bucket list
So that I know what I have planned
As a User
I want to see the details of my activity
So that I know the details of it 
As a User
I want a delete button
So that I can remove an activity from the list
As a User
I want a logout button
So that I can sign out of my account


  • Sign up/Login page
  • Add Activities page with suggested categores
  • Input fields for category, title, description, and date
  • Bucket list page with list of events friends have added
  • Delete button for specific activity
  • Logout button

Gif of working app

future endeavors gif

Technologies Used

  • HTML for static pages
  • Handlebars for server side templating
  • Javacript and jQuery for dynamic
  • Bootstrap
  • Animate.css
  • Google Fonts
  • Postman to ensure GET and POST routes were working
  • Uses Node and Express
  • MySQL and Sequelize ORM for database
  • Passport for user authentication
  • Fully deployed and hosted on Heroku

Working application



Ken Tanoue

Biencarlo Villa

Leslie Villatoro