Little Omar's Game

This quiz was inspired by my 6 year old brother, Omar! As or right now he is learning about continents, parts of speech, and basic math skills. The questions should be very simple for anyone older than 6 years old (I would hope). Feel free to test out if you're smarter than a 1st grader.

This wep application consists of a timer, which when a question is answered incorrectly, will deduct 15 seconds from your time. If questions are answered correctly, you score 20 points for each one! Check back what your highest score was by clicking 'View Highscore'.


This web application consists of:

  • Timer
  • Ability to view high score
  • 5 questions with 4 choices for each question

Web application Image

Site image

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git - version control system to track changes to source code
  • GitHub - hosts repository that can be deployed to GitHub Pages

Deployed Link


  • Leslie Villatoro


This project is licensed under the MIT License