
A vagrant project demonstrating how to create two Ubuntu nodes in an ejabberd cluster programmatically.

Primary LanguageRuby


Installing ejabberd in a clustered fashion is kind of a pain. Created through many hours of googling and trial-and-error, this Vagrant project will:

  • Start two Ubuntu nodes.
  • Install ejabberd.
  • Set up clustering between them, programmatically. If you've wrestled with this before you'll understand why that's significant.
  • Adds an admin user.

Yeah I know... you're welcome.


  1. Install vagrant

     gem install vagrant
  2. Download and install VirtualBox

  3. Install vagrant-hostmanager

     vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  4. Clone this repo

  5. (Optional) Tweak the settings in the Vagrantfile. There are ip addresses and domain names and stuff.

  6. Run it!

     cd [this-repo]
     vagrant up

Once that's done, you will have two ejabberd nodes running in a cluster Go to http://chat1.example.com:5280/admin/nodes/ to verify (default credentials: admin@example.com/password)
