
"Frameworks Using Less" Needs Urgent Updating

luxlogica opened this issue · 3 comments

The "Frameworks Using Less" section of the new docs is terribly out of date: many of the items listed are no longer maintained, while several others are no longer developed with Less:

  • ipxdeep has not been updated since May 2015
  • Bootflat was last updated a year ago (dead?)
  • Bootstrap version 4 is developed in Sass
  • Bootstrap a11y theme was last updated in February 2014
  • Cardinal was last updated a year ago (dead?)
  • CSSHórus was last updated in January 2014
  • Frontsize is now developed in Sass
  • InContent is not a framework, the URL linking to it is wrong, and it hasn't been updated since 2014
  • Ink is now developed in Sass
  • JBST was last updated in August 2014
  • KNACSS is now developed in Sass
  • Kube is now developed in Sass
  • Pre has not been updated since January 2013
  • Prelude has not been updated since July 2014
  • ngBoilerplate was last updated in January 2015

Projects which have given up on Less, or that are possibly abandoned or dead, should be removed from the list. These are no longer useful examples of Less being used or implemented, and having a shorter list - with projects that are very much alive and robust - is more efficient, and more encouraging.

From the current list, the projects that seem to still be active are:

IMHO, special emphasis should be given to both Semantic UI and UIKit, as these have become widely-known projects, with large online communities, which rival the better-known Sass frameworks.

Not updated does not automatically mean dead and/or not useful anymore. (Personal example - less-plugin-functions has not been updated for 2 years as well. Is it dead? No - it's just nothing to update, it works just fine with the latests Less versions and the only update I plan eventually is to remove some feature :)

Sure, some clean-up of this list is needed continuously but it's never really urgent (Especially since in many cases the flow is opposite - first you find a framework you need and only then you discover what's behind, so it has always been more like a "honor list" rather than "what to use" one).

Either way if you make a PR I'm pretty sure it's merged (assuming it won't be too harsh - e.g. Bootstrap 3 is still available and some people still use Bootstrap 2 for various reasons). So just a remark on emphasis - the problem is that it is always subjective and offensive, hence the alphabetic order being used in the first place.
A less popular thing even if you have a statistic is not necessary less useful, and popularity and rivalry are often not the primarily goals of many open-source projects. Fairness in opposite to Aggressive Advertising may sound harmful and weird from a commercial point of view, but Less is not the one and what it really needs now is more active developers - not more users (and unfortunately increasing the latter does not mean automatically increasing the former)).

Done (relaxed mode on) with 5624a61 . Thanks!

@seven-phases-max Thanks so much for your updates lately! 😄