- 7
A plan for Chinese doc.
#571 opened by fuchunhui - 0
- 0
Mismatch between Expected and Actual Output in Official Documentation Example
#618 opened by xiaoyan13 - 0
`default()` guard should be documented / mentioned with mixin documentation
#617 opened by matthew-dean - 2
Migrating from v3.x to v4.x
#598 opened by calculuschild - 2
Guide link is broken
#594 opened by yaowenqiang - 1
Permutation of 4 is 24, not 16
#553 opened by meetilaiya - 1
此less脚本 将 less 转 css 时,会导致某些属性无法获取
#607 opened by ziye888 - 0
Official website problem
#593 opened by cloudmoonocus - 1
Error getting started with LESS
#579 opened by logankilpatrick - 1
Remove IE11 as a supported browser
#554 opened by matthew-dean - 3
Doc pages are broken on mobile
#492 opened by Yassineim - 0
ci: auto deploy
#578 opened by iChenLei - 3
- 2
Should we switch to
#520 opened by matthew-dean - 0
Typo : In CDN
#556 opened by adityaxtalk - 0
Overview > Operations > Conversion is impossible example giving different results
#555 opened by SukhbirChung - 1
HTTPS certificate is invalid for
#542 opened by endigma - 0
Screen overflow on mobile
#529 opened by Nixinova - 1
Cookie disclaimer
#505 opened - 0
- 1
Cannot find module 'tslib'
#525 opened by sdzbzjh - 0
- 1
#540 opened by huangyangquang - 12 certificate error
#486 opened by Munter - 0
A part of Extend document is error at the "Selector Interpolation with Extend".
#533 opened by mingtianyihou33 - 0
A simple less-include triggers a deprecated-warning into the console - how to solve this issue?
#532 opened by Neohiro79 - 1
- 1
Auto importing directories' index file
#528 opened by Buzut - 0
Math random
#526 opened by chreesp - 1
- 1
less2css error: `lessc` is not available
#478 opened by salamat1307 - 0
- 4
'border-radius' resolve error
#517 opened by tuhongwei - 1
About Variables / Default Variables
#515 opened by HalfLegend - 1
not correct behavior for grid-column/row
#510 opened by Serega5j - 1
multiple @media can not be defined with same css
#509 opened by BananaAcid - 3
`$@` (Variable properties) should be documented
#500 opened by ayyash - 2
Division error
#485 opened by serj-by - 2
- 2
how i can divider image size in version 1.5?
#502 opened by golestan-melika - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 10
- 1
Mention that `@import` forces asynchronous behaviour
#483 opened by p3k - 2
XMLHttpRequest Deprecation..
#482 opened by Cordux - 1
- 1
Properties as Variable misinterpretation.
#477 opened by seven-phases-max