
less.js: Error on the Accept header when including a less file with a plugin

g3rv4 opened this issue · 1 comments

g3rv4 commented


When using less.js and including a file using a <link> element with a plugin, the Accept header that's sent when GETting the plugin is text/css. This causes IIS to return 406 Not Acceptable.

Steps to repro:

You can visit https://lessbug.azurewebsites.net/ where I put together a project showing the issue. The code of this project is on GitHub.

There are 3 files involved.


    <link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="test.less">
      less = {
        env: "development"
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/less@3.9.0/dist/less.js"></script>


@plugin 'less-plugin.js';
.something {
    color: red;
    pi: pi()


    install: function (less, pluginManager, functions) {
        functions.add('pi', function () {
            return Math.PI;

When inspecting the network logs, you can see that the request headers contain Accept: text/css

IIS, as it knows the content type for a javascript file is application/javascript, returns a 406 Not Acceptable HTTP error.

I'm creating a PR with my proposed solution.

g3rv4 commented

ouch, wrong repo