
Gradle plugin for publishing to the Unidata Nexus Server.

Primary LanguageGroovy

Unidata Nexus Gradle Plugin

The unidata-nexus-gradle project is a Gradle plugin and associated tasks used to manage publishing to Raw Repositories on the Unidata Nexus server. The plugin can be applied using:

plugins {
  id 'edu.ucar.unidata.nexus'


apply plugin: 'edu.ucar.unidata.nexus'

Doing so will add the publishToRawRepo and deleteFromNexus tasks to the project. The publishToRawRepo task is of type edu.ucar.unidata.tasks.PublishToRawRepoTask, and the deleteFromNexus task is of type edu.ucar.unidata.tasks.DeleteFromNexusTask

Each tasks must be configured with the following:

  • host host of nexus server (e.g. host = 'https://artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu/')
  • username = nexus_username (must have the appropriate permissions)

In addition, the PublishToRawRepo tasks need:

  • repoName: name of the raw repository (e.g. repoName= 'netcdf-java-docs')
  • publishSrc: top-level of the directory to publish to the repository (e.g. publishSrc = site/documentation_build/)
  • destPath: location in the repository to publish(e.g. destPath = 'netcdf-java/5.4/userguide/)

and the DeleteFromNexusTask tasks need:

  • searchQueryParameters.repository: name of the raw repository (e.g. searchQueryParameters.repository = 'netcdf-java-docs')
  • searchQueryParameters.group: wildcard expression of matching files to remove (e.g. searchQueryParameters.group = '/netcdf-java/5.4/*')

A full example using both tasks can be found in the netcdf-java documentation subproject.


Setup a Remote task (which is a debug task) in IntelliJ (default settings are fine). Then, from the command line, run:

./gradlew check -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --no-daemon

The check task is just to trigger the compile and test tasks of project. Once gradle is listening for a remote debugger, return to intellij and run (debug) the Remote task. For more information, see the gradle troubleshooting guide.