
论文题目 关键词+概述 资源路径 说明(创新点)
Explainable Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs for Recommendation aaai 2019 代码
Unifying Knowledge Graph Learning and Recommendation: Towards a Better Understanding of User Preferences www 2019 code
TEM: Tree-enhanced Embedding Model for Explainable Recommendation www 2018
GAMENet: Graph Augmented MEmory Networks for Recommending Medication Combination aaai 2019 (code)[https://github.com/sjy1203/GAMENet]
Recommendation Through Mixtures of Heterogeneous Item Relationships CIKM 2018 (code)[https://github.com/kang205/MoHR]
Deep neural network marketplace recommenders in online experiments RecSys 2018
Adaptive Implicit Friends Identification over Heterogeneous Network for Social Recommendation CIKM 2018 (code)[https://github.com/Coder-Yu/RecQ]
Learning from History and Present: Next-item Recommendation via Discriminatively Exploiting User Behaviors SIGKDD 2018
An Adaptive Aspect Attention Model for Rating Prediction IJCAI 2018 code
Micro Behaviors: A New Perspective in E-commerce Recommender Systems WSDM 2018
Attention-based Group Recommendation
Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks Based on Generalized Random Walk Model and Bayesian Personalized Ranking WSDM 2018
Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-Basket Recommendation 2010


论文题目 关键词+概述 资源路径 说明(创新点)
Zero-Shot Learning Through Cross-Modal Transfer Zero-Shot 将image映射到一个semantic空间,增加一个指示变量(可以基于异常检测等算法),判断image属于seen还是unseen。对seen的样本建立可监督分类器。对于unseen的样本,将其映射到semantic空间后,通过与label的word vector对比得到结果。文章最关键的核心在于

Learning To Rank 论文

论文题目 关键词+概述 资源路径 说明(创新点)
From RankNet to LambdaRank to LambdaMART: An Overview learning to rank 综述论文