lessgo is a toolkit for building microservices in Go language.
- logger Simplified implementation of Leveled logs
- types Various generic types for common data processing, web-service, ...
- crypto/phash High Security Password Hashing framework
- crypto/idhash ID hashing toolkit
- encoding/json encoding and decoding of JSON objects
- locker lock toolkit to handle concurrent read/write, parallel processing or multi-tasking
- httpsrv Lightweight, Modular, High Performance MVC web framework
- net/httpclient http client library for processing web-service communication
- net/portutil network port utils
- data/hissdb Minimalistic, connection pooling Go Client for SSDB
- data/iossdb Bytes based, high performance of Go Client for SSDB
- data/redis Minimalistic, connection pooling Go Client for Redis
- data/rdo Simplified implementation of ORM-like client library for DBMS (mysql/sqlite)
- all of other components are in DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW, DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION!