
A library for easy handling of GraphQL with hooks for Revery

Primary LanguageReasonMIT LicenseMIT

Revery GraphQL Hooks

All Contributors

A library for easy handling of GraphQL within Revery using graphql_ppx.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting started
  2. Syntax
  3. Todo
  4. Contributing
  5. License

Getting started


In your package.json/esy.json add:

"dependencies": {
  "graphql_ppx": "reasonml-community/graphql_ppx:esy.json",
  "revery": "revery-ui/revery",
  "revery-graphql-hooks": "lessp/revery-graphql-hooks",

You will also need to copy anu resolutions in example.json except for revery-graphql-hooks.

then in your dune-file:

    graphql_ppx ;; + any other preprocessors (e.g. brisk-reconciler.ppx) for Revery
  ;; any other libraries
  Revery Revery.lwt revery-graphql-hooks)


Create a file, lets name it Graphql.re for easy access.

In this file we'll specify some settings for our HTTP-calls.

(If you'd like to try out the example below, you can use: https://hello-graphql-api.lessp.now.sh/api)

module Config = {
  let baseUrl = "https://your_graphql_api_endpoint.com/";
  let headers = [];

include ReveryGraphqlHooks.Make(Config);

NOTE: For Revery to handle Promises we need to start the event loop. Add the following line, prior to calling UI.start.

let _startEventLoop = Revery_Lwt.startEventLoop();

That's all, we can now make some queries!



module HelloQueryConfig = [%graphql
    query Hello {
      hello {

let%component make = () => {
  let%hook status = Graphql.useQuery(HelloQueryConfig.definition, ());

  let text = switch (status) {
  | Idle => "Idle"
  | Data(query) => query#hello#name
  | Loading => "Loading..."
  | Error => "Error"

  <Text text />;


module AddGreetingConfig = [%graphql
    mutation AddGreeting($greeting: String!) {
      addGreeting(greeting: $greeting)

let%component make = () => {
  let%hook (addGreetingMutation, status) =
    Graphql.useMutation(AddGreetingConfig.definition, ());

  let text =
    switch (status) {
    | Idle => "Idle"
    | Data(query) => query#addGreeting
    | Loading => "Loading..."
    | Error => "Error"

      onClick={_ =>
          ~variables=AddGreeting.makeVariables(~greeting="Cheers", ()),
      title="Click to add"
    <Text text />


  • Propagate updates to hooks with the same queries
  • Simplify API by using definition from graphql_ppx
  • Cache


Contributions are more than welcome! Start by cloning this repository. The runnable example is located in examples/, the library itself is located in src/.

# to build the library

# to run the examples
esy '@example' start


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Tom Ekander

🤔 💻 📖

Margarita Krutikova


Danny Martini

🤔 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!