
Udacity Logs Analysis Project for Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree

Primary LanguagePython

Logs Analysis Project

Logs Analysis project is the first project for the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program.

About the project:

We are given the following scenario:

You've been hired onto a team working on a newspaper site. 
The user-facing newspaper site frontend itself, and the database behind it, are already built and
running. You've been asked to build an internal reporting tool that will use information from the 
database to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like.

The database contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site. 
The log has a database row for each time a reader loaded a web page. Using that information, your code 
will answer questions about the site's user activity.

The program you write in this project will run from the command line. It won't take any input from the 
user. Instead, it will connect to that database, use SQL queries to analyze the log data, and print out 
the answers to some questions.

Your task is to create a reporting tool that prints out reports (in plain text) based on the data in the database. This reporting tool is a Python program using the psycopg2 module to connect to the database.

What is the reporting tool reporting? The reporting tool is going to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?
  2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
  3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?

How to Run the Program

Setting up the project

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox to install and manage virtual machine to create an enviroment to run the project.

  2. Download the VM configuration zip file by Udacity OR Clone the repository from here

  3. Clone this repo here to the vagrant folder that is inside
    the VM configuration file that was downloaded/cloned above.

  4. Once the project has been setup, navigate into the project directory with 'Vagrantfile' and then cd logs-analysis-project

Run the Program

  1. Start the virtual machine with vagrant up

  2. Connect to the virtual machine with vagrant ssh

  3. Go to the folder where the guest/host files are shared cd /vagrant

  4. Unzip the news database unzip /newsdata.sql or to download zip file https://d17h27t6h515a5.cloudfront.net/topher/2016/August/57b5f748_newsdata/newsdata.zip

  5. To load the database type psql -d news -f newsdata.sql

  6. To connect to the database type psql -d news

  7. Now you must run the commands from the Views section below to to run the python program successfully.

  8. After adding the views to exit out of news database type \q

  9. Then cd logs-analysis-project/

  10. To run the python program that fetches the query results use command python scripts/logs_analysis.py the output is written in the terminal.

Create the following VIEWS (step #11 from above) for question #3

CREATE VIEW all_errors AS
SELECT time::date as date, count (*) as errors 
FROM log 
WHERE status != '200 OK' 
GROUP BY date;

CREATE VIEW daily_views AS
SELECT time::date as date, count (*) as views 
FROM log 
GROUP BY date;

CREATE VIEW daily_error_percent AS
select to_char(daily_views.date, 'MM DD, YYYY') as date, round(100.0 * all_errors.errors/daily_views.views, 2) as percentage from daily_views, all_errors where daily_views.date = all_errors.date order by


If your command prompt does not start with vagrant after typing vagrant ssh then please try the winpty vagrant ssh on your Windows system.

Resource Links

Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree


PostgreSQL documentaion

Installing Vagrant on Ubuntu