
Parse LinkedIn PDF Resume and extract out name, email, education and work experiences.

Primary LanguagePHP

LinkedIn PDF Resume Parser

Build Status

This library parses LinkedIn PDF resume and extracts out the name, email, summary, work experiences and education history.


$ composer require lesterchan/linkedin-pdf-resume-parser:dev-master


// Init
$resumeParser = new \LinkedInResumeParser\Parser();
$parsedResume = $resumeParser->parse('/path/to/resume.pdf');
// Get Name
echo $parsedResume->getName();
// Get Email
echo $parsedResume->getEmail();
// Get LinkedIn Profile URL
echo $parsedResume->getUrl();
// Get Summary
echo $parsedResume->getSummary();
// Get Work Experiences
$experiences = $parsedResume->getExperiences();
if (count($experiences) > 0) {
    foreach ($experiences as $experience) {
        echo $experience->getTitle() . ' at ' . $experience->getOrganisation() . ' (' . date_format($experience->getStart(), 'F Y') . ' - ' . date_format($experience->getEnd(), 'F Y') . ')';
// Get Education
$education = $parsedResume->getEducation();
if (count($education) > 0) {
    foreach ($education as $edu) {
        echo $edu->getLevel() . ', ' . $edu->getCourseTitle() . ' at ' . $edu->getInstitution() . ' (' . date_format($edu->getStart(), 'Y') . ' - ' . date_format($edu->getEnd(), 'Y') . ')';


$ phpunit


Props to ver1000000 and Persata.