
A full-stack real-time chat application built with React, Node.js, Redis, Postgres, and Socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A real-time chat web app where users can log in, add friends and communicate with them in real time. This application was built publicly with the entire build process avaiable on YouTube in a tutorial format.

YouTube Playist

Project Structure

  • client - React.js Frontend
  • server - Node.js Backend
  • common - code shared between client and server

How it works

  • Front-End: React.js
  • Back-End: Node.js / Express.js / Socket.io
  • Authenticaion: JWT
  • Database: PostgreSQL and Redis

Running the Project

  • Clone the repository
  • CD into the repository and run yarn
  • Have a Redis instance listening on localhost:6379 OR define an env variable named REDIS_URL
  • Have a PostreSQL db running and provide either DATABASE_URL as an environment variable, or provide the following:
  • Initialize the database with the queries found in packages/server/database.sql
  • Note: all environment variables must be defined in a file named .env
  • Run yarn dev:server and yarn dev:client