- 0
Is it compatible with windows?
#26 opened by Infusionsys - 0
Running PySpectrometer2 on a NUC
#25 opened by InFINNity-Deck - 2
Could this be calibrated to measure irradiance?
#10 opened by samsabra - 1
numpy.mat deprecated
#24 opened by xyybob - 1
Can this be used to calibrate monitors?
#18 opened by Gil80 - 2
Installation Issues
#22 opened by DeLoafofMilk - 1
Type issue in (bookworm)
#16 opened by electrickery - 1
- 1
unable to calibrate with up to 6 lasers.
#9 opened by DR-DAT4 - 1
Can the app produce a .ccss file?
#8 opened by Gil80 - 1
Can it operate with different spectroscopes and different line densities of diffraction gratings?
#14 opened by that-kai-person - 2
Add overlays for known spectra
#20 opened by melange396 - 1 deprecated in bookworm
#15 opened by macckone - 0
Installation Issues
#21 opened by DeLoafofMilk - 0
Spectrum range for UV?
#11 opened by drudru - 4
issue when launching the script
#17 opened by zakariagith - 0
Fixed Lens for the bigger spectroscope
#12 opened by breakingstuff1337 - 2 crashes
#6 opened by h1t1h - 7
- 9
Debian-Box USB Camera Error "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'"
#4 opened by janoschsimon - 2