This repository presents different approaches to using distributed locking in the Kubernetes environment.
This approach presents using a single instance of database / caching server as lock manager.
You can build your own image with the following command. If you skip this step you'll use the image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
./gradlew build
docker build -t <YOUR-USERNAME>/distributed-locking:hazelcast .
Deploy Lock Manager and Application.
kubectl run hazelcast --image hazelcast/hazelcast:4.2 --port 5701 --expose
kubectl run application --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl run application-2 --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl delete pod application application-2
kubectl delete service hazelcast
kubectl delete pod hazelcast
This approach presents using multiple instances of database / caching server as lock manager.
You can build your own image with the following command. If you skip this step you'll use the image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
./gradlew build
docker build -t <YOUR-USERNAME>/distributed-locking:hazelcast .
Deploy Lock Manager and Application.
helm repo add hazelcast
helm install hazelcast hazelcast/hazelcast --version 3.7.0
kubectl run application --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl run application-2 --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl delete pod application application-2
helm uninstall hazelcast
This approach presents using RedLock.
You can build your own image with the following command. If you skip this step you'll use the image leszko/distributed-locking:redlock
./gradlew build -PmainClass=com.rafalleszko.locking.RedLock
docker build -t <YOUR-USERNAME>/distributed-locking:redlock .
Deploy Lock Manager and Application.
kubectl run redis-1 --image redis:6.2.1 --port 6379 --expose
kubectl run redis-2 --image redis:6.2.1 --port 6379 --expose
kubectl run redis-3 --image redis:6.2.1 --port 6379 --expose
kubectl run application --image leszko/distributed-locking:redlock
kubectl run application-2 --image leszko/distributed-locking:redlock
kubectl delete pod application application-2
kubectl delete service redis-1 redis-2 redis-3
kubectl delete pod redis-1 redis-2 redis-3
This approach presents using multiple instances with consensus algorithm as lock manager.
You can build your own image with the following command. If you skip this step you'll use the image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
./gradlew build
docker build -t <YOUR-USERNAME>/distributed-locking:hazelcast .
Deploy Lock Manager and Application.
helm repo add hazelcast
helm install hazelcast hazelcast/hazelcast --version 3.7.0 --set hazelcast.yaml.hazelcast.cp-subsystem.cp-member-count=3
kubectl run application --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl run application-2 --image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
kubectl delete pod application application-2
helm uninstall hazelcast
This approach presents using multiple instances with consensus algorithm and fencing token as lock manager.
You can build your own image with the following command. If you skip this step you'll use the image leszko/distributed-locking:hazelcast
./gradlew build -PmainClass=com.rafalleszko.locking.Fenced
docker build -t <YOUR-USERNAME>/distributed-locking:fenced .
Deploy Lock Manager and Application.
helm repo add hazelcast
helm install hazelcast hazelcast/hazelcast --version 3.7.0 --set hazelcast.yaml.hazelcast.cp-subsystem.cp-member-count=3
kubectl run application --image leszko/distributed-locking:fenced
kubectl run application-2 --image leszko/distributed-locking:fenced
kubectl delete pod application application-2
helm uninstall hazelcast