
Swift SignalR Client for Asp.Net Core SignalR server

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift SignalR Client for Asp.Net Core SignalR server


  • Install/Update the Carthage package manager

  • Create a new file called Cartfile in the application folder

  • Add the following line to the Cartfile to get the latest bits

    github "moozzyk/SignalR-Client-Swift" master

  • In terminal go to the application folder and run (--platform can be skipped to install for available platforms):

    carthage update --platform macOS

  • In Xcode go to the project settings and add SignalRClient and SockertRocket to "Embedded Binaries"

  • In Xcode go to the project settings and add SignalRClient and SockertRocket to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" (if Xcode didn't do it in the previous step automatically)

  • Add

    import SignalRClient

    to the file you want to use SignalR client in to import SignalR client definitions


The repo contains samples for:

The samples require a running server. To start the server go to the TestServer folder in terminal and run

dotnet run