
Primary LanguageJava


brXM SAML integration with Okta using Spring Security

Set up a test okta

Basic setup

  1. Navigate to http://developer.okta.com/
  2. Click on Get Started
  3. Fill in your own name and email address
  4. Okta will send you a confirmation email, including your temporary password and a link to your new developer Okta instance
  5. Navigate to the link in the email, and input your email address and the temporary password provided to you
  6. Fill in the form presented to complete your registration, and click on Create My Account
  7. You should now have an empty Okta instance with no apps, and only one user.

Create a test application

  1. Click on Admin, then Add Applications
  2. Click on Create New App
  3. Select SAML 2.0 and click Create
  4. Add a reasonable name to the app and click Next
  5. Fill in Single sign on URL with https://localhost:8080/cms/saml/SSO
  6. Fill in Audience URI with https://localhost:8080/cms/saml/metadata
  7. Your configuration should look like this okta config
  8. The rest of the fields can be left as they began, click Next
  9. Select I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app
  10. Check This is an internal app that we have created
  11. Click Finish
  12. Click View Setup Instructions
  13. Copy the xml IDP Metadata from the Optional section into a filein your project: cms/src/main/resources/metadata/okta.xml

Assign the test application

  1. Return to your Okta home screen and click Admin
  2. Click Assign Applications
  3. Select Colombia and yourself, then click Next
  4. Click Confirm Assignments

One time application setup

  1. Generate a keystore and key in cms/src/main/resources/security: $ keytool -genkeypair -alias your-alias -keypass your-password -keystore samlKeystore.jks -storepass your-password -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 3650
  2. In cms/src/main/resources/saml/saml.properties replace the properties saml.key and saml.storePass with the values used in the previous step.