
Primary LanguageTypeScript


You have to execute a number of tasks. A task is just any function (usually async).

Some tasks can depend on each other. So they must wait until the tasks they depend on complete first.

You have to wait until all the tasks are completed and return their results.


An object with task ids as keys and objects describing the tasks as values:

interface TaskDict {
  [taskId: string]: {
    dependencies: string[] // an array of task ids.
    task: (...dependencyResults: any[]) => any


A promise that resolves with an object with task ids as keys and task results as values:

interface TaskResultDict {
  [taskId: string]:
    | {
        status: 'resolved'
        value: any
    | {
        status: 'failed'
        reason: any
    | {
        status: 'skipped'
        unresolvedDependencies: string[]

Note that a task should not be executed if any of its dependencies were not resolved (e.g. failed or were skipped in their turn). In this case the status will be skipped.

The same skipped status should be if a dependency is circular. Yes, there can be this mistake in the input. Apart from this the input will always be valid (no need to write validation).


const { deepStrictEqual } = require('assert')

const runTasks = (tasks: TaskDict): Promise<TaskResultDict> => {
  // TODO

const taskResults = await runTasks({
  a: {
    dependencies: [],
    task: () => Promise.resolve(4)
  b: {
    dependencies: ['a', 'c'],
    task: async (a, c) => Math.sqrt(c * c - a * a)
  c: {
    dependencies: [],
    task: () => new Promise((x) => setTimeout(x, 100)).then(() => 5)
  d: {
    dependencies: [],
    task: () => Promise.reject('This will fail.')
  e: {
    dependencies: ['d', 'a', 'f'],
    task: console.log
  f: {
    dependencies: ['f'],
    task: () => console.log('Should never run - "f" depends on itself.')

deepStrictEqual(taskResults, {
  a: { status: 'resolved', value: 4 },
  b: { status: 'resolved', value: 3 },
  c: { status: 'resolved', value: 5 },
  d: { status: 'failed', reason: 'This will fail.' },
  e: { status: 'skipped', unresolvedDependencies: ['d', 'f'] },
  f: { status: 'skipped', unresolvedDependencies: ['f'] }


yarn or npm install

Run Tests

yarn test or yarn test --watch (or npm run test or npm run test -- --watch).

You can ignore TypeScript errors if you have any.

JavaScript vs TypeScript

If you prefer JavaScript over TypeScript, just rename intex.ts to index.js and replace its content with:

export const runTasks = (tasks) => {
  // TODO