
test task for Code&Care

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to start

For successful start this project you need to:

  • Install Node.js version 6.10.3 or higher (application was not tested on the versions below)
  • Install MongoDB for your platform here
  • Open the terminal in the place where you want to download the project and type next commands:
    • git clone https://github.com/letehaha/vue-calendar.git
    • npm i inside client folder
    • npm i inside server folder
  • Open terminal in folder where downloaded MongoDB is located
    • Create new tab/window in terminal
    • Type ./mongod
  • In cctest/server directory type npm run fixture command to set to database a default data
  • In cctest/server directory type npm start command for starting a server
  • In cctest/client directory type npm run dev command for starting a client-side

Now, application is running on http://localhost:8080

For login in application you can enter a default user data (login: test, password: test) or create a new user.

To add a new event you need to click the Добавить button

To remove an event you need to click on the event in the calendar area

To export all events to JSON you need to click on Экспортировать button and then copy it by clicking on Скопировать