
Email Service

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Email Service


A simple HTTP REST api:

  • Sends emails using multiple providers (Sendgrid & Mailgun)
  • Provides failover if one of the provider fails


  • node 8
  • npm 5


Failover Approach

  • The config has a default provider preference order set e.g. ['mail-gun', 'send-mail']. so in this case mail-gun is the preferred provider
  • The Email sender loops on the available providers in order of preference and tries to send email sender
  • If there is a failure while sending the email it updates the current provider to be of lower priority provider-preference
  • It then tries to send the email with next provider
  • The approach can be improved further to switch back to the the original preferred provider after some time to retry


  • The api exposes some simple metrics at GET /metrics for number of emails sent or failed
  • e.g.
    email: {
      sent: 5,
      fail: 1


Path Method
/email POST
/health-check GET
/metrics GET

Project Structure

├── src - service source files
|      ├── schemas - schema validators
|      ├── email - email routes and external provider services
├── test - (using mocha/shouldjs/nock)
       ├── integration
       ├── unit

Quick Setup

  1. Clone the repo
  2. npm i to install node packages
  3. Run MAIL_GUN_API_KEY=<> SEND_GRID_API_KEY=<> npm start to start the app
  4. View logs at tail -f email-service.log
  5. Run npm test to run specs
  6. Run npm run lint to run es6 linter


  1. App config is at src/config.js
  2. Set Environment variables for mail provider api keys:

Sample Request

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/email \
  -d '{
  "to": ["john.doe@gmail.com"],
  "cc": ["john.doe@yahoo.com"],
  "subject": "test-email",
  "body": "test email content"


  • can store email sent details in database to track and show
  • log metrics - num of emails sent by provider, num of failures by provider
  • handling more request validation scenarios for different providers
  • more integration tests can be added to cover scenarios