
Sample CRUD application using the AngularJS framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Note This repo is undergoing reorganization. Multiple versions of this application with different backends (Java WS & Oracle db, Firebase, MongoDB and Elasticsearch) are being consolidated. Enterprise application layouts and features (directives, components and 3rd party widgets) are also being incorporated.

This reorganization will result in a single AngularJS client application supporting both a Java middle tier/RDBMS backend as well as Elasticsearch as the middle tier/data base. Elasticsearch makes a great development platform as it's the easiest to download, install, configure and run. This allows the repo to concentrate on sharing AngularJS knowledge and be the basis for business/CRUD applications. Other backends will have notes and artifacts under the doc folder.

This example application demonstrates CRUD (Create, Report, Update and Delete) operations on a simple data model of a person (name, address, phone numbers...). It's a SPA (Single Page Application) built with the AngularJS and Bootstrap frameworks. AngularJS is the Single Page Application framework and Bootstrap provides UI formatting and components.

This is a NetBeans project. While any IDE or text editor can be used to work with the source of this application, it's setup with the Netbeans default folder structure.


The doc folder contains documentation on the overall application, tools and technologies used, installation and configuration instructions as well as information on additional backend technologies that can be used.

Technology and Tools


AngularJS is a web application framework for building what's commonly called SPA's (Single Page Applications). It is an Open Source project managed by the Mountain View Chocolate Factory .


Bootstrap is a web development framework for making applications responsive and enhancing UI functionality.


NetBeans is an Open Source IDE that has good Java and SPA support. The latest versions has built in support for AngularJS, Cordova and many other Web application development technologies, frameworks and libraries.

Folders and files in the application

The following is a quick tour of the folders and files that comprise the application. Not every folder and file is listed here, just the highlights.

File Description
.gitignore Files and folders to exclude from git. This includes build and dist folders used in building the application, bower_components which is a cached folder contains downloaded JavaScript libraries and various node_module folders containing tools dependencies.
bower.json Bower is a tool for fetching and saving library files used by our SPA. These are downloaded to the bower_components folder that isn't committed to git.
build.xml The ant build file for Netbeans.
readme.md This is the file you're reading!
todo.md Things I need to get around to.
\doc Documentation for this application. Subfolders contain scripts for creating the RDBMS objects, loading data and other misc documentation.
\gulp The web application (Javascript, HTML, CSS) build system.
\lib Libraries for the Java\Jersey REST web service middle tier for access to a RDBMS data store. Not used when using Elasticsearch.
\nbproject Netbeans settings files, not normally edited by a developer.
\src Java source code for the Java\Jersey REST web service middle tier for access to a RDBMS data store. Not used when using Elasticsearch.
\test Test infrastructure for the Java\Jersey middle tier, application front end and end-to-end application testing.
\web The client portion of the application. This is the AngularJS/Bootstrap SPA.


The following people have contributed to this effort: