
An app allows creating a room chat, users in the same room can call video and send messages in real-time.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an app that allows creating room communication. You can create a room with a unique ID and invite your friends to join the room, you also can join an available room with a specific ID. People in the same room can chat in realtime together and see each other via stream.
Link deployed app: https://room-call-chat-app.herokuapp.com/


  • Sign in, Sign up
  • Creating a unique room
  • Join an available room
  • Video call realtime
  • Send messages in realtime


  • Front-end: React, Redux (Redux Toolkit), TailwindCSS, PeerJS
  • Back-end: NodeJS (Express), MongoDB, Socket.io

How to Install and Run

Install package

  • $ npm install to install packages for server-side (Express, Mongoose, Bcrypt, ...)
  • $ cd client/ and npm install to install packages for client-side (React, TailwindCSS, Axios,...)

Run app

  • $ npm start to run server
  • $ cd client/ and npm start to run client


  • You can change database connection in ./app.js
  • Config PeerServer in ./client/src/components/Room.jsx
  • Config host to localhost in ./client/src/api/index.js