
Interpreter and simple IDE for the esoteric programming language Piet.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build Quality Gate Status Coverage Lines of Code

Piet is an esoteric progrmming language invented by David Morgen-Mar where the code looks like abstract art. For more language specific information please refer to the original language specification or take a look at my documentaion in the docs folder.


This project provides an impelmentaion of a piet interpreter in combination with a simple browser based IDE written in C# using .NET and Blazor. Blazor provides a build as WebAssembly, so you can run this project witout any additional infrastructure setup, or simply check out the deployed version here.


Current status

The current version is a minimal working prototype with a small feature set, only the essential components for creating and executing a Piet program are available.

Future steps

Feature Description Status
Improve error handling Catch interpreter exceptions and enable a rerun. Exceptions should be displayed via a modal in progress
Command history Display the command history of an exexuted program in progress
Show program stack and states Display the internal program stack and the status of CodelChooser and DirectionPointer ready for work
Add debugging capabilities #1 Enable a stepwise execution of the program ready for work
Add debugging capabilities #2 Enable backward steps during debugging blocked by Add debugging capabilities #1
Add debugging capabilities #3 Add breakpoints to the Piet program and adapt debugger blocked by Add debugging capabilities #1
Save and load Piet programs Add the functionality to save and load programs created with the UI. ready for work
Import random images Import random images (png, jpg, ...) and convert them into a Piet program blocked by Save and load Piet programs
Create programs automatically Automate the creation of valid piet programs by using math, brain and a lots of fancy buzzwords ready for work