Happy Tails

This is an application for an animal shelter administration. Employees can use it to upload the animals information that they have for adoption. They can create an animal post, modify information and delete the post.

Color Reference

Color Hex
Example Color #7f7094 #7f7094
Example Color #d8d8d8 #d8d8d8
Example Color #756767 #756767
Example Color #5c5858 #5c5858
Example Color #fff #fff
Example Color #000 #000



To start a development server

  npm run dev


To build the app

  npm run build

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file


Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npm run test

Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux

Server: Node, Express

Database: MongoDB