
This project was built for the Digital Systems syllabus at CESAR School, lessened by Erick Simões and Henrique Braga Foresti. We decided to build an automatic trash bin due to the lack of a bin at our classroom, and the air diffuser idea came to make the smell of the trash go away after using it, and create an aroma therapy effect as well. For this project, you will need a servo motor, an Arduino UNO, 8 male/male jumpers and a USB-A to mini cable. The code provided works to open the lid using the servo and to recognize the distance to do so. First of all, you will need to assembly the circuit as done in the diagram below. Then, you will use the code on Arduino IDE and adapt it to your circumstances. For the bin, you will need a plastic base and a plastic lid. After that, you will position all the components in a way that it works for you. The compartment behind the bin has two utilities: it works as the place where the air diffuser will be positioned and to store essential oils and trash bags. After installing the diffuser, it is ready to use!

Primary LanguageC++


This project was built for the Digital Systems syllabus at CESAR School, lessened by Erick Simões and Henrique Braga Foresti. We decided to build an automatic trash bin due to the lack of a bin at our classroom, and the air diffuser idea came to make the smell of the trash go away after using it, and create an aroma therapy effect as well. For this project, you will need a servo motor, an Arduino UNO, 8 male/male jumpers and a USB-A to mini cable. The code provided works to open the lid using the servo and to recognize the distance to do so.
First of all, you will need to assembly the circuit as done in the diagram below. Then, you will use the code on Arduino IDE and adapt it to your circumstances.
For the bin, you will need a plastic base and a plastic lid. After that, you will position all the components in a way that it works for you. The compartment behind the bin has two utilities: it works as the place where the air diffuser will be positioned and to store essential oils and trash bags. After installing the diffuser, it is ready to use!

here is the url of the project on arduino's project hub https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/user2167406/automatic-trash-bin-with-air-diffuser-d447df