
site sobre o multiverso spider man com HTML, CSS e JavaScript afim de praticar as linguagens aprendidas

Primary LanguageHTML


Multiverso Spider-man feito com intuito de praticar os ensinamentos aprendidos até aqui utilizando liguagem de marcação HTML e estilização com CSS, foram utilizados também o JavaScript para colocar animacao aos spiders e adaptar o carrosel com perpspectiva. Linguaguens utilizadas: HTML, CSS e JavaScript Inspirado em: https://www.figma.com/proto/GjvdE0uob68X6pEHqw2pY8/Multiverse-Spider-Man?node-id=119%3A31&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=1%3A17&starting-point-node-id=24%3A4

Multiverse Spider-man made with the intention of practicing the teachings learned so far using HTML markup language and styling with CSS, JavaScript was also used to animate the spiders and adapt the carousel with perspective. Languages ​​used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript Inspired by:https://www.figma.com/proto/GjvdE0uob68X6pEHqw2pY8/Multiverse-Spider-Man?node-id=119%3A31&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=1%3A17&starting-point-node-id=24%3A4