Tool that receives network packets, filters the packets having the same UID (payload) and computes flow trees from the set of filtered packets.
Input Represented by triples (s, i , t) where s ∈ S, i is the interface at the node s where the packet is observed, and t is the timestamp when the observation occurred
Output Flow trees, which are a graphical representation of a set of data-paths from the same origin
- Sort the observations(packets) by their timestamp
- Create a tree with the root labeled with h
- Keeping track of the time of packet ingress (TI) and egress (TE) properly "hang" the child nodes from the observations
- Create a set of paths by doing a depth-first-search from the root to each of the leaves
A detailed algorithm can be found in the paper
Set the topology to be used during the flow trees generation.
URL: /topology
Method: POST
Returns the used topology in a Json form
URL: /topology
Method: GET
Used the store the packet's(observation) data
URL: /save
Method: POST
Request Body Example:
"device" :"s1-eth1",
"type" :1,
"src_ip" :"",
"dst_ip" :"",
"src_port" :"6666",
"dst_port" :"80",
"payload" :"2624c054-d068-4513-6631-71d824b428b4",
"captured_at": "2019-03-16 17:43:26.385 +0000 UTC"
Returns all the generated flow trees in a Json form
URL: /
Method: GET
Response Example:
"id": "2624c054-d068-4513-6631-71d824b428b4",
"type": "TCP",
"src_ip": "",
"dst_ip": "",
"src_port": "0",
"dst_port": "66(sql-net)",
"nodes": "digraph root {\n\tgraph [label=\"TCP 66(sql-net)\", \n\t\tlabelloc=t\n\t];\n\tnode [label=\"\\N\"];\n\tsubgraph T {\n\t\tgraph [label=\"TCP 66(sql-net)\",\n\t\t\tlabelloc=t\n\t\t];\n\t..." // DOT representation
"nodes_img": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABc8AAANZCAYAAADZAcbeAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAgAElEQVR4nOzdf3zP9f7/8ft7m9ls2hFrDEk0xrSa2WponZodlZPJz6Yj69Ox70EpLKJPH5JP..." // Base64 representation
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