
:lock: LitecoinZ source tree

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

LitecoinZ 1.0.14

What is LitecoinZ?

LitecoinZ is an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol forked from ZCash. Based on Bitcoin's code, it intends to offer a far higher standard of privacy through a sophisticated zero-knowledge proving scheme that preserves confidentiality of transaction metadata.

This software is the LitecoinZ client. It downloads and stores the entire history of LitecoinZ transactions; depending on the speed of your computer and network connection, the synchronization process could take a day or more once the blockchain has reached a significant size.


LitecoinZ is released under the terms of the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more information or see http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.

Get started


Install dependencies

On Ubuntu/Debian-based systems:

$ sudo apt-get install \
      build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib \
      autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python \
      zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake

On Fedora-based systems:

$ sudo dnf install \
      git pkgconfig automake autoconf ncurses-devel python \
      python-zmq wget gtest-devel gcc gcc-c++ libtool patch

Fetch the software and parameter files

Fetch our repository with git and run fetch-params.sh like so:

$ git clone https://github.com/litecoinz-project/litecoinz.git
$ cd litecoinz/
$ git checkout v1.0.14
$ ./zcutil/fetch-params.sh


Ensure you have successfully installed all system package dependencies as described above. Then run the build, e.g.:

$ ./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)

This should compile our dependencies and build litecoinzd. (Note: if you don't have nproc, then substitute the number of cores on your system. If the build runs out of memory, try again without the -j argument, i.e. just ./zcutil/build.sh. )


Create the ~/.litecoinz directory and place a configuration file at ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf using the following commands:

$ mkdir -p ~/.litecoinz
$ echo "addnode=" > ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf
$ echo "rpcuser=username" >> ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf
$ echo "rpcpassword=`head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64`" >> ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf

Enabling CPU mining:

If you want to enable CPU mining, run these commands:

$ echo 'gen=1' >> ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf
$ echo "genproclimit=-1" >> ~/.litecoinz/litecoinz.conf

Setting genproclimit=-1 mines on the maximum number of threads possible on your CPU. If you want to mine with a lower number of threads, set genproclimit equal to the number of threads you would like to mine on.

Running LitecoinZ:

Now, run litecoinzd!

$ ./src/litecoinzd

To run it in the background (without the node metrics screen that is normally displayed) use ./src/litecoinzd --daemon.

You should be able to use the RPC after it finishes loading. Here's a quick way to test:

$ ./src/litecoinz-cli getinfo

To see the peers you are connected to:

$ ./src/litecoinz-cli getpeerinfo

Additional operations for litecoinz-cli

As LitecoinZ is an extension of bitcoin, litecoinz-cli supports all commands that are part of the Bitcoin Core API (as of version 0.11.2), https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Original_Bitcoin_client/API_calls_list

To list all LitecoinZ commands, use ./src/litecoinz-cli help.

To get help with a particular command, use ./src/litecoinz-cli help <command>.


  • Download Windows release binary here
  • Download parameter file here and uncompress the content inside the folder "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\LitecoinZParams"
  • Manually edit the litecoinz.conf file inside the folder "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\LitecoinZ"
  • Run litecoinzd.exe
  • Optionally run the Java Wallet GUI (already provided inside the download release binary) LitecoinzSwingWalletUI.cmd

Do you need a Wallet GUI?

A Java Wallet GUI is available here.


Donations for supporting developers are welcome:

  • LTC: LgSbGGqru5LVHE3cWcgwZDLjr3WorGahr3
  • BTC: 1N2rQimKbeUQA8N2LU5vGopYQJmZsBM2d6
  • ZEC: t1T8hAYzLNwe2rLQpFMjx9z9FHFd6oQ86P9
  • BTG: GNkwW2uS4ed7cofz94J8PrTXJnZgmk5nr2
  • BTCZ: t1cmr2QUMCEBRhUVrZHsgC6DnrdzC2FyHz7


Security Warnings

LitecoinZ is experimental and a work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.

Participation in the LitecoinZ project is subject to a Code of Conduct.


  • QT Wallet
  • Backports from Bitcoin 0.12+