
A tool for generating nonlinear numerical invariants for C and Java programs. DIG uses dynamic analysis to infer invariants over program execution traces and applies symbolic execution to inferred invariants.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


DIG is a tool for generating program invariants at arbitrary program locations (e.g., loop invariants, post conditions, etc). DIG infers (potentially nonlinear) numerical invariants using symbolic states extracted from a symbolic execution tool. DIG supports equalities such as x+y=5, x*y=z, x*3y^3 + 2*zw + pq + q^3 = 3, inequalities such as x <= y^2 + 3, and min/max inequalities such as max(x,y) <= z + 2. The user can also use terms to represent desired information, e.g., t = 2^x, and have DIG infer invariants over terms.

DIG's numerical relations (in particular, nonlinear equalities) have been used for

  • nonlinear program understanding and correctness checking (ICSE12, ICSE14, ASE17, FSE17, TOSEM13)
  • complexity analysis (e.g., providing program run time complexity such as O(N^2) or O(NM), ASE17, FSE17)
  • recurrence relations for complexity analysis (e.g., finding recurrence relations for recursive programs such as T(n)=3*T(n/2) + f(n), SEAD20)
  • termination and non-termination analyses (use nonlinear invariants to reason about ranking function for termination and recurrent sets for non-termination, OOPSLA20)
  • array analysis (finding invariant relations over array data structures, e.g., A[i] = B[C[2i + 3]], ICSE12, TOSEM13)

DIG is written in Python using the SAGE mathematics system. It infers invariants using dynamic execution (over execution traces) and checks those invariants using symbolic states and constraint solving. DIG uses symbolic execution (Symbolic PathFinder for Java and CIVL for C) to collect symbolic states and the Z3 SMT solver for constraint solving.

The current version of DIG works with programs written in Java, Java bytecode, and C. The tool also infers invariants direclty from given concrete program execution traces.


You can use DIG to generate invariants from a program (either a Java file .java, a bytecode file .class, or a C file .c), or a trace file (a plain text file consisting of concrete values of variables).

Generating Invariants From a Program

Consider the following CohenDiv.java program

// in DIG's src directory
// $ less ../test/nla/CohenDiv.java

public class CohenDiv {
     public static void vtrace0(int q, int r, int a, int b, int x, int y){}
     public static void vtrace1(int q, int r, int a, int b, int x, int y){}
     public static void vtrace2(int x, int y, int q, int r){}

     public static void main (String[] args) {}
     public static int mainQ(int x, int y) {
          assert(x >= 0);
          assert(y >= 1);

          int q=0;
          int r=x;
          int a=0;
          int b=0;

          while(true) {
               if(!(r>=y)) break;

               while (true) {
                    if(!(r >= 2*b)) break;

                    a = 2*a;
                    b = 2*b;

          return q;
  • To find invariants at some location, we declare a function vtraceX where X is some distinct number and call that function at that location.

    • For example, in CohenDiv.java, we call vtrace0, vtrace1 at the head of the outter and inner while loops find loop invariants and vtrace2 before the function exit to find post conditions.
    • vtraceX takes a list of arguments that are variables in scope at the desired location. This tells DIG to find invariants over these variables.
  • Next, we run DIG on CohenDiv.java or its byteclass version (compiled with javac -g) and discover the following invariants at vtracesX locations:

# in DIG's src directory
tnguyen@origin ~/d/src (dev)> sage -python -O dig.py  ../tests/paper/CohenDiv.java -log 3
settings:INFO:2020-10-03 21:39:01.995144: dig.py ../tests/paper/CohenDiv.java -log 3
alg:INFO:analyze '../tests/paper/CohenDiv.java'
alg:INFO:compute symbolic states (18.65s)
alg:INFO:infer invs at 3 locs: vtrace0, vtrace2, vtrace1
alg:INFO:found 5 eqts (26.55s)
alg:INFO:found 67 ieqs (1.10s)
alg:INFO:found 377 minmax (2.55s)
alg:INFO:test 449 invs using 699 traces (0.93s)
alg:INFO:simplify 449 invs (1.79s)
* prog CohenDiv locs 3;  invs 25 (Eqt: 5, MP: 1, Oct: 19) V 6 T 3 D 2;  NL 5 (2) ;
-> time eqts 26.5s, ieqs 1.1s, minmax 2.5s, simplify 2.7s, symbolic_states 18.7s, total 51.9s
-> checks  0 () change depths 0 () change vals 0 ()
-> max  0 () change depths 0 ()
runs 1
rand seed 1601779141.99, test (6, 59)
vtrace0 (11 invs):
1. a*y - b == 0
2. q*y + r - x == 0
3. -r <= 0
4. -a <= 0
5. a - b <= 0
6. a - q <= 0
7. q - x <= 0
8. r - x <= 0
9. b - x <= 0
10. -a - y <= -1
11. min(q, y) - b <= 0
vtrace1 (8 invs):
1. a*y - b == 0
2. q*y + r - x == 0
3. -q <= 0
4. b - r <= 0
5. a - b <= 0
6. r - x <= 0
7. -b + y <= 0
8. -a - y <= -2
vtrace2 (6 invs):
1. q*y + r - x == 0
2. -r <= 0
3. -q <= 0
4. q - x <= 0
5. r - x <= 0
6. r - y <= -1
tmpdir: /var/tmp/dig_2282784602713568709_x0qxjt3s

Other programs

  • The directory ../benchmarks/java/nla contains many programs having nonlinear invariants.

Generating Invariants From Traces

DIG can infer invariants directly from a file consisting of concreting program execution traces. Below is an example of traces generated when running the above CohenDiv program with various inputs

# in DIG's src directory
$ less ../test/traces/CohenDiv.tcs
vtrace1: I q, I r, I a, I b, I x, I y
vtrace1: 4, 8, 1, 4, 24, 4
vtrace1: 16, 89, 1, 13, 297, 13
vtrace1: 8, 138, 4, 76, 290, 19
vtrace1: 0, 294, 8, 192, 294, 24
vtrace1: 64, 36, 4, 16, 292, 4
vtrace2: I x, I y, I q, I r
vtrace2: 280, 24, 11, 16
vtrace2: 352, 11, 32, 0
vtrace2: 22, 298, 0, 22
vtrace2: 274, 275, 0, 274
vtrace2: 2, 287, 0, 2
# in DIG's src directory
tnguyen@debian ~/d/src> sage -python -O dig.py ../tests/traces/CohenDiv.tcs -log 3
settings:INFO:2020-06-30 15:26:53.384339: dig.py ../tests/traces/CohenDiv.tcs -log 3
alg:INFO:analyze '../tests/traces/CohenDiv.tcs'
alg:INFO:test 30 invs using 181 traces (0.96s)
alg:INFO:simplify 26 invs (0.42s)
vtrace1 (6 invs):
vtrace1 (8 invs):
1. q*y + r - x == 0
2. -q <= 0
3. -r <= 0
4. -y <= -1
5. r - x <= 0
6. q - x <= 0
7. -r - x <= -2
8. -x - y <= -10
vtrace2 (8 invs):
1. q*y + r - x == 0
2. -q <= 0
3. -r <= 0
4. r - x <= 0
5. q - x <= 0
6. r - y <= -1
7. -r - x <= -2
8. -x - y <= -10

Note that if we just run Dig over traces, then most of the generated inequality results are spurious, i.e., they are correct with the given traces, but not real invariants. If given the program source code as shown above, DIG can check and remove spurious results.

Additional Options

Most of DIG's behaviors can be controlled by the users (the src\settings.py lists all the defaut parameters). Use -h or --help to see options that can be passed into DIG. Below we show several ones

Specify max degree for equalities

By default, DIG automatically to find equalities up to certain degree. We can specify this degree directly with -maxdeg X

tnguyen@debian ~/dig/src> sage -python -O dig.py  ../tests/paper/CohenDiv.java   -log 3 -maxdeg 2 -noieqs  #find equalities up to degree 2 and donot infer inequalities

Customizing Inequalities

By default, DIG infers octagonal inequalities (i.e., linear inequalities among 2 variables with coefs in in the set {-1,0,1}). But we can customize DIG to find more expression inequalities (of course, with the trade-off that it takes more time to generate more expressive invs).

Below we use a different example Sqrt1.java to demonstrate

tnguyen@debian ~/dig/src> sage -python -O dig.py  ../tests/paper/CohenDiv.java  -log 3  -noeqts  # for demonstration, only find default, octagonal, ieq's.
1. a <= 10
2. a - n <= 0
3. -t <= -1
4. -s <= -1
5. -n + t <= 2
6. -a <= 0

tnguyen@debian ~/dig/src> sage -python -O dig.py  ../tests/paper/Sqrt1.java  -log 4 -noeqts -ideg 2  # find nonlinear octagonal inequalities
1. a*s - n*t <= 1
2. a <= 10
3. -t <= -1
4. -s <= -1
5. -n*t + s <= 1
6. -n*s + t <= 1
7. -n*s + a*t <= 0
8. -n + t <= 2
9. -a*n + t <= 2
10. -a*n + s <= 3
11. -a <= 0

tnguyen@debian ~/dig/src> timeout 900 sage -python -O dig.py  ../tests/paper/Sqrt1.java  -log 4 -noeqts -icoefs 2  # find linear inequalities with coefs in {2,-1,0,1,2}
1. a <= 10
2. 2*a - n <= 1
3. -t <= -1
4. -s <= -1
5. -n + 2*t <= 6
6. -a <= 0
7. -2*n + t <= 1
8. -2*n + s <= 2


First, clone DIG

git clone https://github.com/unsat/dig.git

Then go to DIG's directory (cd dig). Also make sure that you're in the right branch (e.g., master or dev). To run DIG, you can either use the provided docker script (easiest way) or install DIG yourself.


# in DIG's directory

# build the docker image,
$ docker build . -t='dig'
# this will take some time as it will build a Linux image with all necessary dependencies to run DIG.  

# then run dig
$ docker run -it dig

# docker will drop you into a Linux prompt like below.
$ root@b53e0bd86c11:/dig/src#

You are now ready to use DIG, see instructions in the USAGE section

Installing DIG

You can also install DIG yourself. The tool has been tested using the following setup:

Installing SAGE and Z3

  • Setup SAGE: download a precompiled SageMath binary
  • Setup Z3: download and build Z3 by following the instructions in its README file
  • To check that you have all needed stuff
# in DIG's src directory
$ cd src
$ sage helpers/check_requirements.py
Everything seems OK. Have fun with DIG!

For Java files: install Java and Symbolic PathFinder

  • Install Java 8: either the JDK from Oracle 1.8.0_121 or the OpenJDK packaged in Debian (apt-get install -y default-jdk, besure the version is 1.8.0_121 or 1.8.0_122).

  • Install both Java PathFinder and the Symbolic Pathfinder extension

$ mkdir /PATH/TO/JPF
$ git clone https://github.com/javapathfinder/jpf-core #JPF
$ git clone https://github.com/SymbolicPathFinder/jpf-symbc #Symbolic extension

# build jpf
$ cd jpf-core
$ git checkout java-8  #switch to the java-8 branch
$ ant

#copy patched Listener file to SPF
$ cp /PATH/TO/dig/src/java/InvariantListenerVu.java jpf-symbc/src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/symbc

# build spf
$ cd jpf-symbc
$ ant

# sometimes it helps to rebuild jpf-core again
# cd jpf-core
$ ant

# Add the following to `~/.jpf/site.properties` (create `~/.jpf` if it doesn't exist)
jpf-core = /PATH/TO/JPF/jpf-core
jpf-symbc = /PATH/TO/JPF/jpf-symbc
  • Compile Java files in java directory for instrumenting Java byte classes
# in DIG's src directory
$ cd src/java
$ make

For C files: install the CIVL symbolic execution tool

  • Build CIL
# build CIL
$ git clone https://github.com/cil-project/cil.git
$ cd cil
$ ./configure ; make
  • Compile the Ocaml files in ocaml directory for instrumenting C files (to CIVL format)
# in DIG's src directory
$ cd src/ocaml
$ edit Makefile  #point the OCAML_OPTIONS to where CIL is
$ make
  • Get CIVL
$ wget --no-check-certificate https://vsl.cis.udel.edu/lib/sw/civl/1.20/r5259/release/CIVL-1.20_5259.tgz
$ tar xf CIVL-1.20_5259.tgz
$ ln -sf CIVL-1.20_5259 civl
$ ln -sf civl/lib/ lib

# Tell CIVL to use Z3  by editing the ~/.sarl file
prover {
 aliases = z3;
 kind = Z3;
 version = "4.8.7 - 64 bit";
 path = "/home/SHARED/Devel/Z3/z3/z3";
 timeout = 10.0;
 showQueries = false;
 showInconclusives = false;
 showErrors = true;

# test CIVL
$ /home/SHARED/Devel/JAVA/jdk/bin/java -jar /home/SHARED/Devel/CIVL/lib/civl-1.20_5259.jar verify -maxdepth=20 $DIG/tests/tools/cohendiv_civl.c
CIVL v1.20 of 2019-09-27 -- http://vsl.cis.udel.edu/civl
vtrace1: q = 0; r = X_x; a = 0; b = 0; x = X_x; y = X_y
path condition: (0<=(X_x-1))&&(0<=(X_y-1))

Setup Paths

  • Put the following in your ~/.sh_profile
# ~/.sh_profile
export Z3=PATH/TO/z3   #Z3 dir
export SAGE=PATH/TO/sage  #where your SAGE dir is
export PYTHONPATH=$Z3/src/api/python:$PYTHONPATH
  • Some troubleshooting tips:
    • Make sure SAGE works, e.g., sage to run the SAGE interpreter or sage --help
    • Make sure Z3 is installed correctly so that you can do sage -c "import z3; z3.get_version()" without error.
    • Use DIG with -log 4 to enable detail logging information, also look at the settings.py for various settings on where DIG looks for external programs such as java and javac


Technical information about DIG can be found from these papers. The SymInfer paper (ASE17) is probably a good start.

  • Ton Chanh Le, Timos Antonopoulos, Parisa Fathololumi, Eric Koskinen, ThanhVu Nguyen. DynamiTe: Dynamic Termination and Non-termination Proofs. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (OOPSLA), 2020
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Didier Ishimwe, Alexey Malyshev, Timos Antonopoulos, and Quoc-Sang Phan. Using Dynamically Inferred Invariants to Analyze Program Runtime Complexity. Workshop on Software Security from Design to Deployment, 2020
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Matthew Dwyer, and William Visser. SymInfer: Inferring Program Invariants using Symbolic States. In Automated Software Engineering (ASE). IEEE, 2017.
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Timos Antopoulos, Andrew Ruef, and Michael Hicks. A Counterexample-guided Approach to Finding Numerical Invariants. In 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), pages 605--615. ACM, 2017.
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Deepak Kapur, Westley Weimer, and Stephanie Forrest. DIG: A Dynamic Invariant Generator for Polynomial and Array Invariants. Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM), 23(4):30:1--30:30, 2014.
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Deepak Kapur, Westley Weimer, and Stephanie Forrest. Using Dynamic Analysis to Generate Disjunctive Invariants. In 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 608--619. IEEE, 2014.
  • ThanhVu Nguyen, Deepak Kapur, Westley Weimer, and Stephanie Forrest. Using Dynamic Analysis to Discover Polynomial and Array Invariants. In 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pages 683--693. IEEE, 2012. Distinguish Paper award


  • This project is supported in part by NSF grant CCF-1948536 and ARO grant W911NF-19-1-0054.