A [WIP] simple file manager written in bash
- It's Fucking Fast 🚀
- Minimal (~100 lines of bash)
- Smooth Scrolling (using vim keybindings)
- File Operations (copy, paste, rename, cut, etc)
- Basic Search
bash 3.2+
- program handling (non-text):
(not needed on macos) - copying:
- moving, renaming, trash:
- creating dirs:
orfff path/to/dir
,fff ../../
,fff /usr/share/
- optional:
alias f="fff"
j: scroll down
k: scroll up
h: go to parent dir
l: go to child dir
enter: go to child dir
g: go to top
G: go to bottom
.: toggle hidden files
/: search
t: go to trash
~: go to home
[1-9]: favourites (see customization)
down: scroll down
up: scroll up
left: go to parent dir
right: go to child dir
f: new file
n: new dir
y: mark copy
m: mark move
p: paste/move
r: rename
d: trash (~/.cache/fff/trash/)
q: exit
# Directory color [0-9]
export FFF_COL1=2
# Status color [0-9]
export FFF_COL2=7
# Selection color [0-9] (copied/moved files)
export FFF_COL3=6
# Text Editor
export FFF_EDITOR="vim" # alternative: export EDITOR="vim"
# File Opener
export FFF_OPENER="xdg-open"
# Favourites (keys 1-9) (dir or file)
export FFF_FAV1=~/projects
export FFF_FAV2=~/.bashrc
export FFF_FAV3=~/Pictures/Wallpapers/
export FFF_FAV4=/usr/share
export FFF_FAV5=/
export FFF_FAV6=
export FFF_FAV7=
export FFF_FAV8=
export FFF_FAV9=