
Legacy Nodo projects

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This repository contains some legacy Nodo Projects.

I've cleaned up my dropbox account and this repository provides access to code and tools that may still be in use somewhere.

I'm still using several Nodo units, connected to ESP/Domoticz and the Small units are still programmed with the Nodotool that is also used for much easier debugging on Nodo Small units. A feature that is lacking in the original codebase.

This repository is based on Nodo 3.7, R765 since this has been the most stable Nodo edition in my own home. Some patches have been applied, just before the major changes on Nodo 3.8. So patchlevel is now R787.

Some additional plugins in this repository:

  • Plugin 092 Nodo Communication with local UDP/W5100, remote ESP Easy as bridge
  • Plugin 093 Nodo Communication with local and remote ESP Easy as bridge
  • Plugin 094 Limited IR receive/send for Samsumg, Sony, Philips, works on Nodo Small!
  • Plugin 095 SleepExternal
  • Plugin 096 Xiron temp/hum (must change SIGNAL_TIMEOUT to 3 to get this working)
  • Plugin 098 DomoticzHTTP support
  • Plugin 099 Nodotool for Nodo Small debugging/programming


A small serial communication tool for Nodo Small. It can be used to debug Nodo events on a Nodo Small through its serial port. It can also be used to check/write eventlists. Not fully tested but the basic stuff works. Runs on Windows using dotnet framework 2.0


An ATTiny85 based Nodo Compatible sensor that can run on batteries for more then a year...


An ATTiny85 based device that emulates a Kaku dimmer.


A customized RFlink that can receive data from Nodo NRF slaves using the NRF24L01 radio, in addition to the standard 433 MHz reception.