
A project for Explorative Information Visualization course in Aalto University (2018)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Explorative Information Visualization Project (12/2018)


A project about exploring different tools and techniques that provide a simple overview about myself based on my shopping habits. The list of purchases from 2018 was gathered from S Group's website by polling the website's API interface (example code of fetching). Then, the gathered data was analyzed and processed. As last, an interactive visualization was designed and created to support the exploring of monthly purchases. A report about the whole process can be found here.

The project was accomplished during Explorative Information Visualization course and continuous to this course, a research project related to Machine Learning and Data Science was performed.

Techniques and Tools

The project utilizes following techniques and tools:

  • JavaScript to collect, preprocess, aggregate and visualize data
    • the preprocessed data is turned into JSON array which is aggregated using lodash library
    • the aggregated data is visualized using a circular layout of a scatter graph (CircoJS based on 3D.js)
    • the scatter graph is modified to fit the design of the project
  • Tools to make the visualization color-friendly for users with disabilities to see colors or their differences
    • Coblis tool to test different color disabilities
    • ColorBrewer tool to select colors from colorblind friendly palette