
Implementation of some convex optimization algorithms. Reference: Boyd, S., Boyd, S. P., & Vandenberghe, L. (2004). Convex optimization

Primary LanguagePython

Convex Optimization

Reference: Boyd, S., Boyd, S. P., & Vandenberghe, L. (2004). Convex optimization. Cambridge university press.

Unconstrained Minimization


  • DescentUnconstrained.run_gradient_descent_with_backtracking_line_search

    • gradient descent method with the backtracking line search.
    • ref: BBV chap 9.2-3. Unconstrained minimization: descent methods, gradient descent method
  • DescentUnconstrained.run_steepest_descent_L1_with_backtracking_line_search

  • DescentUnconstrained.run_steepest_descent_quadratic_norm_with_backtracking_line_search

    • steepest descent method with the backtracking line search
    • ref: BBV chap 9.4. Unconstrained minimization: steepest descent methods


  • NewtonUnconstrained.run_newton_with_backtracking_line_search
    • Newton method with the backtracking line search (using Cholesky decomposition / pseudo inverse)
    • ref: BBV chap 9.5-7. Unconstrained minimization: Newton's method, Self-concordance, Implementation

Equality Constrained Minimization


  • NewtonAffineConstrainedFeasibleStart.run_newton_with_feasible_starting_point
    • Newton method for equality constraints, with the backtracking line search and a feasible starting point (using Cholesky decomposition / inverse / pseudo inverse)
    • ref: BBV chap 10.2 & 4. Equality constrained minimization: Newton's method with equality constraints, Implementation


  • NewtonAffineConstrainedInfeasibleStart.run_newton_with_infeasible_starting_point
    • Newton method for equality constraints, with the backtracking line search and any starting point (using Cholesky decomposition / inverse / pseudo inverse)
    • ref: BBV chap 10.3-4. Equality constrained minimization: Infeasible start Newton method, Implementation

Inequality Constrained Minimization


  • NewtonIneqConstrainedBarrier.outer_run_barrier_method_with_feasible_starting_point

    • Newton method for inequality constraints and affine equality constrains, with the backtracking line search and any starting point (using Cholesky decomposition / inverse / pseudo inverse)
    • ref: BBV chap 11.2-3. Interior-point methods: logarithmic barrier function and central path, the barrier method
  • NewtonIneqConstrainedBarrier.outer_run_barrier_method_with_feasible_starting_point

    • Newton method for inequality constraints and affine equality constrains, with the backtracking line search and any starting point (using Cholesky decomposition / inverse / pseudo inverse)
    • ref: BBV chap 11.2-3. Interior-point methods: logarithmic barrier function and central path, the barrier method
  • Phase1.run_phase1

  • Phase1.run_phase1_to_central_path

    • Phase 1 method to find a feasible point under given inequality conditions
    • (11.19) / (11.21) for chapter 11.4.1
    • ref: BBV chap 11.4. Interior-point methods: Feasibility and Phase 1 methods