
A docker ecosystem made for Yii2 application with composer and xdebug

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A set of preconfigured Docker servers made to work with your Yii2 advanced application framework or other PHP frameworks.

It includes:

  • A webserver (PHP7.1, Apache2.4, composer, xdebug)
  • A Database server (Mysql 5.5)
  • A Redis server
  • A shared folder between servers

How to use it

  1. install docker
  2. open docker-compose.yml and fill GITHUB_API_TOKEN, MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD with your own data
  3. launch your server by docker-composer up (add -d to run it in the background)
  4. copy / pull your yii2 application (o create a new one) inside application folder
  5. launch the init script by entering in the web-server bash (see above)

how to reach your servers

  • access your website by browser here
  • access your webserver console by running docker exec -it DKP_Web_Server bash
  • access your database console by running docker exec -it DKP_Database_Server bash
  • access your redis console by running docker exec -it DKP_Redis_Server bash

Configuration access

The docker-data folder contains a folder for each server. You can find some configuration files inside it:

  • Apache2 virtualhosts: ./docker-data/web-server/etc/apache2/sites/available/000-default.config
  • MySql configuration: ./docker-data/db-server/etc/mysql/my.cnf

Access the database

The database connection is set on IP address, port 3306. The credentials are setted in docker-compose.yml Since I prefer MySql Workbench to PhpMyAdmin, I haven't included it in the configuration.

You can include it by follow the instructions explained here, or by download a Mysql desktop client like MySql Workbenck.

Use the shared folder

Any file in ./docker-data/shared-folder/ will be visible in the /root/backup/ folder of each instanced server.